Remote Job Offer: Virtual Assistant

We are seeking motivated and organized virtual assistants to help with admin tasks, social media outreach, appointment setting, social media management, and more, all working from home.

Salary up to $1500 per month - 40 hours per week + bonuses


Please provide us a phone number connected to Whatsapp. If you still don't use it, please get it, because this is the way we will contact you to connect you with the clients that might hire you.

How much experience do you have for this role?

Are you comfortable with thinking on your feet?
Are you able to commit to 40 hours per week worth of work?
We have clients located all over the world. Please check the inboxes of which timezones you are able to work in. (Reasearch each time, and compare to where you are currently living in. Do not mark all of them if you can not work in all timezones)
How would you rate your Conversation English skills?
How would you rate your Written English skills?

Click on Submit to finish your application, if after clicking, you were taken to a confirmation page, it means your application has been submited successfuly. If the submit button is not activated, please go back one question and try again. If the issue persist, please try on another devise or browser.

Check a winning application video sample below

Check what some of our hired VAs have to say


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